


插槽數量有限。讓您的孩子玩耍並實現他們的夢想。記錄和信息792 668 323


現在為您特別優惠! 4節課的套餐費用為100€。您可以選擇其他付款貨幣-AUD,CAD,CHF,DKK,EUR,GBP,NOK,SEK,USD。



In an exciting atmosphere, children learn new sounds and music pieces, which stimulates their creativity. Teachers take care to develop self-esteem of their pupils by respecting them.

Playing an instrument is an international language of expressing emotions and thoughts, sometimes impossible to be captured in words. It is also a great fun. Through music, pupils learn how to express themselves better, how to talk about their inner experiences, and also they get to know themselves better.

The programme is selected according to your interests and, among others, includes:

  • reading music sheets
  • cartoons about music
  • refinement of hearing
  • solfege
  • history and theory of music
  • music games

The program provides learners with an extensive range of music literature, including, among others, classical and jazz pieces, soundtracks from Disney movies, ethnic music, as well as Christmas carols.

The programme includes solo pieces and duets-performed with another saxophone or a piano, as well as lessons of improvisation.

There is an instrument at the school, so you don’t have to bring your own-a comfortable solution. During the first month you are not required to have your own instrument at home.